Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation
Following Birth

The human body goes through immense physiological transition
during pregnancy including hormonal, cardiovascular, and postural
changes. Feeling in tune with your body during the postpartum period
can be challenging while meeting the needs of your newborn. Oftentimes physical healing, strengthening, and a plan to return to sexual activity falls to the wayside.


The pelvic floor meets the demands of growing a baby in utero and
can endure trauma during delivery. Following pregnancy and delivery, it’s possible to experience pain, muscle weakness, and sensory
changes around the vagina. This may present in a variety of ways

Our Approach: Care that is Personalized to YOU

Precision Physical Therapy & Fitness has a team of pelvic floor therapists with specific training to address these changes through a personalized care approach. Your therapist will combine education, therapeutic exercises, and manual therapy techniques to address your specific needs to promote optimal healing. We help guide you in redefining what life looks like postpartum, both physically and sexually. Pelvic floor pain and dysfunction do not need to be “the new normal” after childbirth.

Common symptoms appropriate for a pelvic floor physical therapy referral:

  • Pain in or around the vagina
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Increased urinary frequency
  • Pain during gynecological exam or with sex
  • Back pain, hip pain, abdominal pain
  • Gastrointestinal distress - constipation or fecal incontinence
  • Swelling of lower abdomen
  • Discomfort along c-section scar
  • Discomfort with prolonged sitting


If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms or questions on how pelvic floor physical therapy can help you, discuss with your physician to obtain a referral. A typical evaluation and plan of care begins approximately 6 weeks after delivery unless your physician advises otherwise.